"As the New York Times (rather glumly*) had �officials� put it: �it will be difficult to say how much of any change is attributable to the Affordable Care Act and how much to the use of a new survey instrument.�

Yeah,just when BObama was going to use that data to show the world how wonderful the Dimocrates wet dream is the Census people pull the rug right out from under his lordship.

And if only BO himself hadn't accidently slipped the next installment of 'trash' insurance cancellations a few days after the Nov elections he could have had that feather in his royal crown to brag about. Yeah.

Ah well, I suppose it's all part of the "Yes, We Can" promised most transparent, honest, open, color blind, non-partisan adminstration ever. Anyone can see how well the rest of the world now loves and trusts this POTUS and America more than ever before, right? Gag.