Originally Posted by DocRocket
Got home from a gruelin' ER day today, and saw that the You-Nighted States POSTal disService had left me a package on my front stoop. So I got outta my truck and found a Priority Mail package from south Texas.

I can't get my phone pic to post... so I'll just tell ya... four quarts of primo south Texas 'shine!! Amazing stuff!!

All's I can say to my benefactor is... what part of "flammable, perishable, liquid, or fragile" did you not understand when you shipped this, you crazy mofo?!?!? Near as I can tell, this package qualifies on 3 out of 4!!!

Crazy nilgai-huntin' brother, we are gonna have us a HOG hunt now!!

Stop getting all excited already. That's mayonnaise, dude.