Originally Posted by southtexas
Originally Posted by Big_Redhead

There are just too many such doofusses in the woods around here. I wish resident hunting licences cost $300. It would thin out some of the doofusses.


I don't disagree about slob hunters. But I'm not sure increasing the cost of entry is the right solution. (There are a lot of wealthy duffesses grin)

And as a rule, I don't think taking actions that would decrease the number of hunters would be a good thing.

Sorry to hijack the thread. I'll shut up now.

Yeah, there's a LOT of frustration and a couple IPAs mixed into my statement. I just wish there were not as many hunters in my neck of the woods. It seems like EVERYBODY hunts, and all their relatives. In the past, it was not a big deal if I wandered across a property line a little bit during a hunt, and permission was easy to obtain. Today you better watch your back if you wander across a line, and have a good lawyer. And when I ask a landowner for permission to hunt, they either laugh at me or get angry and insist I leave. State land open to public hunting is a friggin' war zone! I hate a lot of what hunting has become in my neighborhood.

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