We have the meat pickled , made into sausages, back steaks of course, minced ,yes it goes alright
We got out for 2 days this weekend , chased some deer and a couple dogs went into a vertical mine shaft about 20 feet deep.
Lucky for us the GPS gear got us to the vicinity .After checking the area and many shafts, some that inter connected, We found them alive and well.
Andrew was lowered into the hole and we recovered all.
Had the shaft been a wet one with water in the hole , those dogs would have drowned as I have lost dogs like that before
I promise them when training the pups "you hunt for me , if you get lost i'll hunt for you"
We chased a good stag over the weekend but he got away , that's life but he showed a new run ,we'll have covered next time
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Tom & Ellen from last year ,these are the ones that took the tumble.