Originally Posted by broomd
You guys are being totally played.

Hilldabeast wants this stuff out there, she'll be viewed as one of the many who view O as a total loser even though she faithfully served with nary a complaint.
Gives her "layman" cred to agree with the masses concerning his incompetence.

f*ckin* chameleon scumbag that she is.....

This. I dunno whether the guys here are being played or not but Hitlery MUST do something to differentiate herself from Zero because his entire presidency has been one massive cluster. The entire campaign in 16 will be whomever the GOP serves up saying that a vote for Hitlery is a vote for an Obama 3rd term whilst she will counter that she is different and will bring back the economy of the 90's that we had under her husband.

"Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants". --- William Penn