Originally Posted by milespatton
I suspect you already know what the deal is and are just playing dumb

I am. I also am trying to point out how a lot of times on here people try to mislead exactly what is happening. I am against banning most everything except drugs, most abortions, and being bad to kids. Before I get jumped on, there are some valid medical reasons for abortion, but just not wanting the kid is not one of them. I just wanted it to be clear what Obama banned and what Bush banned. I am dead set against Obama and think mostly "W" did a good job. He was handed a schit sandwich soon after he got into office and tried to do what he thought was right. Some of it was not, but I don't think he did it to hurt the country. Some people, even some good people, do not get the whole gun thing due to their raising, but they can be educated. Some will never get it. miles.

Oh ok. I am right there with you in supporting both the Bush I & II gun bans. My only gripe with this ban on Russaan stuff is that Obama did it. Like you, once the next republican gets in office and keeps it on the books I won't call it bad either. I had a raising just like you did and also think only police and military should have guns like that.

"My message to my troops is if you see anybody carrying a gun on the streets of Milwaukee, we'll put them on the ground, take the gun away and then decide whether you have a right to carry it." - Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn