So now we are going to fight among ourselves and blame those of us who like and use Barnes bullets for the potential lead ban? Come on guys........... I shoot a lot more lead bullets than copper and have probably 100 times more traditional bullets on my shelves than I do copper. But there are times when I want a TTSX and am more confident in the results. Does that make me to blame for the potential ban? I don't think so. What about those of us who like, own, and shoot Tikka's. Are we responsible for the potential failures of American gun companies? I also don't think so, although I do try to buy "made in the USA".

We need to understand that the blame for the potential lead ban lies with the liberal left and blame them next November.

If we live long enough, we all have regrets. But the ones that nag at us the most are the ones in which we know we had a choice.
