Nifty-two-fifty: I hold Jack O'Connor in the highest of regard!
Not just for the style of his writings (articles, books and novels!) but for his common sense and accuracy regarding most all things HUNTING!
He, might even "adjust" his 1964 opinion of the 243 Winchester somewhat, if he were alive today - mostly due to the wonderful new bullets and powders that are available for it now!
I often (once a year or so) do the same thing you are doing and take down from my extensive collection of Jack O'Connor books or magazine articles and "re-read" them.
I also enjoy "remembering" the brief personal encounter I had with Jack O'Connor many decades ago at an N.R.A. Convention!
He was a true artisan of prose and a long time, dedicated and spiritual Hunter.
I wish he had lived longer - and may he rest in peace.
His advocacy and "defense" of the wonderful and outstanding 270 Winchester cartridge needs NO defense of any kind what so ever!
Hold into the wind