30" is on the radar now and your point about action length is spot on.

In my early years of grouse hunting, I would swing into trees and such, but I've learned to stop where I can swing and be ready to shoot. Our farm was logged 20 years ago so the popple is thinning out so the cover isn't as tight now too. Need to find some more hunting spots.
The only time i've ever cussed a long gun was when I hunted a popple stand where we bulldozed off the popple 3 years earlier and you could only carry the gun vertical and not even swing. It was jungle combat point shooting!

I'm hoping the grouse population is up again. I've taken up duck hunting to fill the voids of the down cycle in grouse hunting. Duck hunting is way more work than grouse, but my duck hunting friend says grouse hunting is way more tiring than duck hunting...

Other than that, How was the show Mrs. Lincoln?