Originally Posted by Big Stick

You are MEAN,to try and entrap the handicapped in such a fashion!

But I like how you roll.


He seems good at trapping himself?!

If anyone questions what I write, I'm going to tell Ric that I was insulted. May even request that he/she be banned. That will be at my discretion. But in no way will I defend what I write.

On a serious note... I've spooled too heavy, yeah? Need to work on that.

More serious... what's worse... 1.) feelers hurt or 2.) hit-n-run advice? Only one person gets their feelers hurt (if they let that happen) with #1, or the dozens or hundreds that get affected by bad information in #2?

Hmm... this is a tough one...

And don't question my questions or I'll go to Ric.