Originally Posted by FieldGrade
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Those that say "Neither."...

Who would be your choice?



Gendle??? or maybe someone like Ben Carson,,,, I'd really like to see a candidate that isn't a career politician for a change. Lets face it,,, all these career politicians (on both sides of the isle) ain't been doing such a great job.

Cruz,,, Another slick talking Harvard Law grad tied to big banking. Say what you want but they're ALL bought and paid for by the time they get to Washington.
Perry,,, Although I would prefer a governor over anyone in DC the fact that he's a Dem turned Republican sticks in my craw.

Originally Posted by tjm10025
Or stay home on election day and pout?

Why is it so many conservatives automatically assume that anyone who doesn't agree with "their" choice has to be a stay at home whiner?

If that is All you know about Ted Cruz - then you don't know very much !
It's axxewipes like you that think you know something and the fact is that what you know is krap - just like your thinking.
I suppose that in Revolutionary times, guys like you would have objected to George Washington because he was a huge landowner.
Get with the program dud ! Ted Cruz talks the talk and walks the walk.
Jindal and Carson, conservative yes, but No thanks!

Web search an introductory speech that Ted Cruz's immigrant father made to understand what PATRIOTISM is All about!

I can't stand half-baked axxetards like you, and your half-baked opinions.
You are the reason why we get jerks like Romney, McAmnesty and other GOP - Good Ole Pols; the get along go along FOOLS that have created this mess that we are in.