Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by ironbender

Does Cruz' wife's banking connections give you any pause?

Do expect Cruz to run for POTUS?

Does your wife define who you are? I don't picture him as the type that does. I don't know if he will run, or not, and don't really care. He is doing a great job representing those that put him in office now. If the rest of the country thinks he's not liberal enough, we're screwed anyway. At least Texas will continue to boom in the meanwhile. The problem is that (most of) the rest of the country is crashing and it's inhabitants are too stupid to see it, or care. A bigger piece of a smaller pie is not something to shout about.

My wife does not control me, but her thoughts and ideas have some sway on mine, just as mine do on hers.

Please don't mistake my questions as making me anti-Cruz because I'm not. I enjoy watching him wreak havoc on liberals.

I ask because if he runs, the Goldman Sachs connection will be blared by the media. I figure you have a better insight with localer info.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.