Originally Posted by Penobscot_99

If that is All you know about Ted Cruz - then you don't know very much !
It's axxewipes like you that think you know something and the fact is that what you know is krap - just like your thinking.
I suppose that in Revolutionary times, guys like you would have objected to George Washington because he was a huge landowner.
Get with the program dud ! Ted Cruz talks the talk and walks the walk.
Jindal and Carson, conservative yes, but No thanks!

Web search an introductory speech that Ted Cruz's immigrant father made to understand what PATRIOTISM is All about!

I can't stand half-baked axxetards like you, and your half-baked opinions.
You are the reason why we get jerks like Romney, McAmnesty and other GOP - Good Ole Pols; the get along go along FOOLS that have created this mess that we are in.


Well now,,,, you're a foul mouthed angry little prick, aren't you?

Course I'm not surprised considering you're from the same state as the corrupt hood rats currently residing in the white house.

What is it with IL and corrupt politicians anyway?

I know,,,, you don't have to say it. I'll go FMS.

Last edited by FieldGrade; 09/03/14.