Louie is not a tough dog when it comes to cold, but he loves the heat.
I have seen him sleeping before he hit the ground however, then when I went to open the gate he got out and was going to head i to the field to hunt again!!
I've had to leash him a few times because I needed to take care of cactus thorns or other some such stickers in his paw and it's a job to catch him if there are birds around even if i see him limping!
I've watched him pile right up on blow downs and hidden page wire( that was a frightening experience to watch!!) and keep on going.
The whistle lets him know I'm not messing around however!
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His buddy tramp however ( Hornhead's Griffon)is about as tough a pointer as you can find!
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he will swim all day, climb straight backs of creeks, rocks, pile into blowdowns and great right back up and keep on charging! I don't think I've seen that dog slow down.....

scopes are cool, but slings 'n' irons RULE!