Originally Posted by seal_billy

For me, now some of these guys my disagree but I like big decoys. I had rather use 18 magnum decoys than 24 standard. And don't buy all the same brand. I buy half dozen at a time and different brands so a spread of 12 to 24 decoys have lots of different looking decoys not all the same.

Now on the gun spare no expense.

Can't argue with the "Big Decoy" theory, but I personally like more numbers. I also agree with getting different styles from different manufacturers, to "change it up" a bit, as it were.....I started making my own, and turning the heads to the left or right to give it a more "natural" look. I also like to have a few decoys with a lot of white on them (pintails, goldeneyes, etc).....I think it helps ones spread to "stand out", esp. at a distance.

As for a shotgun, I see no need to go beyond a Remington 870 Express.......but if you have the bucks, do what you wish to do.

"If you dog thinks you're the greatest, don't go seeking a second opinion!"