Originally Posted by derby_dude

By enlightenment I mean one sees the "light" or the truth. After all Jesus (God) is suppose to be the "light" of the world. The "light" is truth that all of us seek in our own way.

That's true that one can belong to a Church and still be a Christian but I have found in any religion that peer pressure tends to make one conform to the Church. Hence, as a Pagan I march to the tune of my own drummer no matter how far way or measured the beat maybe.

I have belonged to several churches in my life bot do not belong to any now. When I did belong it was because my personal beliefs aligned with theirs. But, I walked to the drum of my personal beliefs according to the leading of the Holey Spirit. Peer pressure does not effect my walk. There are many frustrated pastors who can attest to this. wink

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!