Good evening to you my cyber friend, I hope this finds you folks doing well.

I believe I broke the big toe on my left foot while cornering on a motorcycle when I was about 14 and yes while it was conspicuously uncomfortable it wasn't as bad as when I'd broken my arm a couple years previous to that.

When I was 25 on my first day on a new job at the cabinet shop I worked at for the next 26 years more or less I dropped a sheet of 3/4" mdf on the same toe.

So that hurt as well, but significantly less than the previous melees I'd put my body through. So really judged on that scale it was a mild discomfort and I worked most of the rest of the day until going to the hospital where they confirmed it was crushed and weren't going to do anything about it.

While I'm not anxious to do it again anytime soon wabigoon, I've been in far more intense discomfort than either time I broke my toe - but that's the dubious position one sometimes finds oneself in sometimes is it not? wink

All the best to you folks this weekend wabigoon.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"