Originally Posted by MILES58
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by irfubar
And how many millions did each patient cost the healthcare system?
If they did stop it the cost would be worth it. If not how much can our system afford?

Would have been a bit cheaper just to take measures to keep it out of country to begin with. wink

Looking at ho much Homeland security is costing us and how little they have accomplished, I am very certain we do not want to start trying to accomplish what no other nation on earth has ever accomplished and hand over the money that will cost.

Quarantine will work and we can get that done for pennies by comparison. Quarantine without helping the countries involved to put out the fire cannot work and will eventually get real expensive.

Comparing homeland security cost to the cost the one african ebola patient cost isn't valid.

Homeland security is government funded.
The Expense for this ebola case and future cases we be on the hospital and the various citizens put in quarantine and every other citizen through raised insurance premiums ec...

What do you think the cost was to the airline the infected nurse flew on?
How about the apartment complex owner, were the african stayed with family?

How about the government fulfills one of it's primary responsibilities of protecting it's citizens?

A travel ban would have and will prevent much of this.

Business in the U.S. are under enough pressure with tax's, poor economy etc...
This is the last thing they need.

Imagine thousand's of potential ebola cases, or maybe just flu cases, that are treated as ebola until they find out what they are dealing with.
All this is no problem to the liberals, after all we are the richest country in the world! crazy the lib's will be the end of us at this rate.

Originally Posted by Judman
PS, if you think Trump is “good” you’re way stupider than I thought! Haha

Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.