I'm a tad puzzled here, this lady just witnessed actual Hell first-hand and now she's bent out of shape because she was detained for some hours in Newark....


The only thing they shoulda done differently IMHO is feed her better, better yet, given the massive concerns about the disease, set up quarantine quarters for these folks for three weeks over there. This oughtta be easily doable on embassy grounds or elsewhere on US Govt-controlled property over there (which there will be already in existence).

If nothing else this article illustrates how clueless and out of touch even educated Professionals can be. Witness the idiot infected ebola doctor wandering NYC. Which is exaclty why mandatory quarantine regardless outta be in effect.

Later on, when we have a better handle on the exact progress/infectivity of the virus enough to allay public fears, maybe the quarantine could be eased.


"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744