It's been a while since I've seen the list, but I believe it includes 748 and maybe some of the others, perhaps H335.

The problem with many older spherical powders is they burn (or burned) so dirty the resulting powder fouling (which is pretty abrasive) tended to negate the value of the decoppering agent. While newer versions of those older powders tend to burn somewhat cleaner, decoppering agents are most effective in cleaner-burning powders. There are also some other extruded powders that supposedly contain decoppering agents, I believe some of the Reloder series, but I've never seen much reduction in copper-fouling when using them--and as with many other things such as primers and bullets, companies will vary the formula from year to year. Probably the best thing to do is ask powder companies themselves for the latest info.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck