Like most folks I wear wool or poly base layer then a wool shirt and layer depending on temperature as well as a light orange windbreaker for Colorado Camo for home or archery. I wear wool pants these days and vary the weight or add long johns with a rain gear pant and jacket or heavier parka strapped on the pack. I carry a wind and waterproof hat with pull down ear flaps and a stocking cap in colder weather and wear a lightweight synthetic ball cap on warm days or sweaty hikes then let it dry on a bush. The other item in the pack is a lightweight synthetic down vest sucked down to nothing in a vacuum sealer. It really keeps your core warm on those days when it gets colder than you expected. I like wool and will often carry a super light merino sweater from eBay to add a layer withou much weight if I want to stay lighter. I think you always need something to cut that cold evening wind and to keep you dry and an extra layer even on warm days. A pack with a few extra layers tied on when you don't need them is nicer than freezing and wet because you wanted to stay 8 ounces or a pound lighter.