Posted on October 30 201
Via CNN:
Cruz, a tea party favorite who is considering a presidential bid, said his party needs to nominate a "strong conservative" to win back the White House in 2016. If not, Hillary Clinton will be president, he said in an interview on CNBC.

When asked if former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is too far to the left to fit the conservative bill, the junior senator from Texas said he is a "fan of Jeb Bush�s" but added that "we need to learn from history."

"We need to look to history and what works and what doesn�t and the one thing is clear is if Republicans run another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, or a John McCain, or a Mitt Romney � and let me be clear, all three of those are good, honorable men. They�re decent men. They�re patriots," Cruz said. "But if we run another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, or a John McCain, or Mitt Romney, we will end up with the same result, which is millions of people will stay home on Election Day."

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."