Sad situation just occurred here in S/W Montana.
Last Friday, November 14th, a very large herd of Elk were "flushed" off a private ranch where they had been holed up since August.
A few years back the Elk began using the ranches in the vicinity, all fall/winter, as a refuge from Wolves.
Anyway the Elk headed off the ranch for some unknown reason and a firing line/gauntlet was quickly set-up by lurking Hunters.
The resulting "shoot-out" resulted in Hunters firing in the direction of other firing Hunters and tragically a 48 year old man was struck in the face by a high powered Rifle bullet!
Luckily, the Hunter is still alive.
Word is he lost his nose and jaw and will need steel plates to reconstruct his face.
This incident occurred three miles from my home!
I have reported here for three years now on this relatively new phenomenon of the Wolf wary Elk taking refuge on valley floor ranches from August through the winter, over the last few years.
Now the situation has taken a sad turn.
One report relayed how some of the Hunters began taking refuge from flying bullets behind their vehicles during the "Hunt"!
Again a very sad situation this - on several levels.
Sadly, as of yesterday and today, the Elk have now returned to the ranches in question.
Thanks for nothing rmWf!
Hold into the wind