Originally Posted by R_H_Clark
I carry a Glock 36. It's 6+1 rounds of 45 and a spare 7 round clip. It's virtually the same size as a G19. I've thought about getting a G19 for capacity, but I'm not John McClane and can't see any reason to need more than 14 rounds of 45 ACP.

I've tried carrying a full size 45 and even a light weight officers model but the weight was always too much. I can carry the G36 and forget it's there. IMHO it's the perfect modern light weight officers 45.

Randy, I have a Glock 36 as well. I have two Colt Commanders and have tried every holster design but haven't found one that I really like. I finally settled on carrying the Colt inside my belt in the small of my back. I can carry it all day in this position pretty comfortably and it's quickly accessible. I'm not planning on having to meet Marshall Dillon in the street so quick draw is not my main concern.