Originally Posted by ol_mike
Ted should have went to Vietnam -because it was a great thing to do and worked out so well .

Ted shouldn't have banged the 17 year old chick who was built like a brick schhitthouse.

Ted should hunt exactly the way the government says to -exactly .

The campfire has the worlds biggest collection of perfect fkrs there is .
What's it like to be so perfect --glad I don't know .

Myself I've drank and drove a vehicle before -probably had sex with a seventeen year old when I was over eighteen -I've smoked pot -I've ridden many motorcycles 170mph down the interstate & cars as fast as they would go -I've punched people in the head -I killed a deer out of season once when I was about 18 -I've been in a fist fight with the cops .
Sure wish I could take it all back and be a little perfectpuzzy because it sure sounds exciting .LAFFIN .......

Happy Thanksgiving to all the imperfect folks !

Happy Thanksgiving to you sir.

Best post I've seen here in quite a while.