Ted should have went to Vietnam -because it was a great thing to do and worked out so well

And you extend this same blanket immunity to all people who dodged the Vietnam draft I'm sure. Right? Or is it only reserved for the ones who vote like we do? Of course he's going to try and laugh off and lie about the whole shi###ng himself and acting crazy to avoid the draft thing now. It doesn't jibe with his image among the weak minded that he is the Jesus Christ of our hunting and gun rights.

Ted shouldn't have banged the 17 year old chick who was built like a brick schhitthouse.

Is that the 17 year old that he became the legal guardian of so he could keep her at his house and have sex with her? I don't want to get her confused with the 12 year old he also had sex with. But hey, what does it really matter. Ted thinks just like we do about gun laws so according to you that means he can bend a 6 year old over a chair and sodomize them in the ass if he wants. Got any daughters or granddaughters? Why don't you invite Ted to come meet them. You could let him sleep in their room. Maybe he could legally adopt them to keep up appearances. I'm sure you would be proud to have him knock one or all of them up.

Welcome to the Conservative Party of ol_mike. Our motto? "Kid Fu###ng, It's Only Wrong When a Democrat Does It".

Our how about, "Draft Dodging, It makes a Democrat a Low Life Un-American Piece of S##t, but Transforms Republicans into Our Greatest Heros".

Aren't double standards fun?

Last edited by Todd_Bradford; 11/28/14.