Originally Posted by aheider
Originally Posted by Canazes9
Originally Posted by Ringman
When shots are hurried and/or game starts moving, your eye goes automatically to the crosshairs, not the "300 yd dot", etc...

Unless you practice a lot. Then your mind tells you which aiming point to use.

Positively idiotic comment, as usual. I practice - a lot! I've used the LRD - a lot! When $hit starts happening fast, all but the coolest types go to "automatic mode", which means centering the animal in the scope. Nothing beats having crosshairs mesh w/ POI.


When $hit happens fast I agree you will tend to use the center of the scope. Which is perfect because when that happens the critter is close enough for the center to work. If my intended target is 300 plus I have time to range and aim with the correct hold over. This year I have used the LRD on 4 different rifles to take animals at 100, 350, 350, and 485 yards. It's so easy even I can do it! grin

$hit only happens fast at close range? Fascinating!
