It is a terrible waste as the forum is there to teach, entertain and learn. We never got any of this in Oz and when My Aussie mates come over here and see what we have, they are very wide eyed at seeing all this game, the hunting scenes and terrain which is every educational and can be informative from a hunters stand point.

Then....the star open his mouth and spoils everything.

The other absolute hatred Aussies cannot help themselves in raising, is the complete absence of cartridge bullet and load and, the fast snip edit when the shot is taken.

When I started writing for Australian Gunsports Magazine in the late 80's, the editor was a great guy called John Robinson who was very helpful to me.

His advice was, "No-one gives a shiit how many punctures you had on the way there, or how good the flight or food was it is simply:

1. What did you shoot?
2. What did you shoot it with (Meaning full cartridge details and rifle set up)
3. What happened after the shot. (game reaction)

It was a winning formula with Aussies in that market as they are far in the majority handloaders who kill hundreds and sometimes thousands of animals a year. We has guys in SCI that regularly took a half dozen rifles and 2000 handloaded rounds of ammo away for a weeks hunt. They are very short on BS so I hope that illustrates my thought process on this.

PS: I am working hard to adjust.

When truth is ignored, it does not change an untruth from remaining a lie.