Havent yet, but im off between Christmas and New Years. And seems I have some shopping to do. Hadnt planned on it, being laid off most of the year, and health issues, but seems my Chevy decides it doesnt want to be long for this world. Something in the valvetrain took a schit 2 days ago. Still under warranty, pretty sure an easy fix, but knowing how this goes, pretty sure shavings are in the pan. Dont want the bottom end going out 6 months down the road, by then the warranty will be out, so...truck shopping today.

Still deciding on a 15 chevy or a 14 ford(dont want, or wait, for a 15 f150, not too sure on the aluminum bodies yet). Not sure as its a treat, hate to go into more debt right now, but im taking it in stride and calling it a Christmas present to myself.

Last edited by pahick; 12/19/14.