My personal Christmas present to myself, is being able to put together the Campfire's Mickey Coleman Memorial Christmas Present to a Deserving Youth...

All started courtesy of Missouri Ed...

The response has been overwhelming, all the generosity generated by fellow campfire members...for a very good cause... Its a pleasure and honor to be able to be a part of it..

I am at the age, that giving is much more a gift than receiving is...I have the presence of my son and wife, and I am in a position that there is really hardly anything in life I really need anymore but my good health...

a year ago at this time, I was finishing up 4 months of low dose radiation to get rid of an increase in my PSA ( Cancer stuff).. a year later, lab test say my results have my doctor "thrilled" with them...

I have a lot to complain about in life, and have a lot to be thankful for...I try and concentrate on the latter and ignore the former..although I am not always stellar about it.. ( ex wife issues, etc and the government is too much involved in my life, for my satisfaction, wish they didn't even know I existed)...

But all in all, if I passed unexpectedly like Mickey Coleman did, I can thank the Good Lord for the time he has given me on this earth... my only concern would be I wish I could have done a lot more with it for him to show my appreciation...

and my final present to myself, I can say this to each and every forum member out there...with the deepest sincerity... Merry Christmas to each one of you and your families...and may a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year be waiting for each of you...