Originally Posted by wageslave
Thanks Rick.
I will attempt these high tech mods to Satan tonight.

P.S. Can you ban Will for hurting my screen's feelings?


I am coming on Thursday, Monsignor Vincent.

And when I git der, you got alot of 'splaining to do for the years unholy behavior.

Ya, I saw that...and that...AND her!! Hook a Savior up, brah.

[Linked Image]

However, I pahdon you for requesting Will be banned.

Go and sin no more, my disciple.

Last edited by WillARights; 12/23/14.

Trump HAD the World, ", Trump saw our children, "
Trump saw a way to make a brighter day so he started giving
There was a choice he was making, he was saving our own lives
Its true he made a brighter day for you and me. --Trump WINS 2016