We've seen that policy used to justify all sorts of excessive force in lots of discussions right on this forum. And it's not that different from the "just following orders" excuse for doing something that's insulting to all right thinking people.

And it's appropriate in OUR conversation in this sense:

In something as drastic as confiscation of firearms, especially in the "us VS. them" mindset of L E in this country at the present time, a rural cop might decide his interests are better served by siding with "the folks".

An NYPD cop might elect to follow orders. For the same reason.

I O W ...... an individual cop will have had ample opportunity to demonstrate his dedication to the Constitution, especially the 2A, long before the confiscation order comes down. [Personally, I don't believe it ever will, on a State or Federal level.]

Despite protestations to the contrary, I don't see a lot of examples of that dedication.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place