
The hurdle isn't Gasser Throating,but rather Gasser Mag Constraints. 2.26" is a heavy concession,as you cite...though a guy can easily pad same via mag selection.

I'm a Stoner Slut due their generouser nether regions(2.3") and while I love the notion of P-Mags and their covers,they are easily amongst the worst offenders in regards to latitude. Easy for me to say,as I shoot 'em all.

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I savvied many moons ago(to the tune of 3+ decades),that one is going to only garner the true scoop,by gunning things side by each in like conditions. It is for the sanctity of that constant,that I do so daily and have for those many moons,if only because such things interest me. Seldom do I have less than a quiver load of rifles in my crummy,or more than 30. Not all things are "equal" or close and good bullets are easily discerned in nano-seconds.

Typical R&D Shakeout Tour. 18" RRA Middie nearest sensor,if only for conversation and a 10rd Stoner in it's belly stuffed with 75HPBT's. 6x MQ aboard same,the reticle alone do nice thangs and 1K barely gets the erector warmed up.

A RAR 223 stomps the dog schit out of it,due COAL latitude,which grants far greater projectile selection(s). As per always...bullets matter more than headstamps. 16-incher to it's(18" RRA) side,22" to it's other and a RAR stomps all.

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If the RAR handles affects your sleep,simply plywood it with a Boyds for a c-note and sculpt as per whim/weight/balance preferences. No thang,I assure you and if that breaks the bank,one assuredly ain't gonna be shooting enough to have a first fhuqking clue about anything.

A Gasser can do nice things,but a RAR Plug and Play(2.5"++) will scoot 75A-Max to 2900fps easily,with a common theme being a 6x MQ on board...or so the rumors go.

For Utility,a Skookum boltgun is THE opening move and as Niche Pursuits arise,those itches can get scratched. Giving thought to POA/POI arrangement will bolster the inherent advantages of the platform and your cup will runneth over with "luck". What glass are you driving on the 'Pursuit?

As per always it's about the big picture and connecting dots and I'm routinely amazed at how many folks are in a heated race,to botch same,as this Thread and all others oh soooooooo eloquently attest. Not that I don't enjoy the BEST efforts of Coke Bottle,Blinders and Pill Bottles!(grin)

Snag the RAR and shoot it with a paper bag over your head if it helps your sleep,but the simplistic fact is,that it is farrrrrrr and away THE most bang for the buck and lotsa expensive schit cain't even come close to touching it. For even more conversation,I'm purty sure there's a 223 Hawkeye in a McMillan Sako Hunter in that last pic too and I've a hunch,that I just might have some familiarity with more than a few Makes/Models yet to be mentioned. Nawwwwww...more than that.(grin)

You've been led to water.


I'll feign my "surprise" that you KNOW better than to try and talk ANYTHING about The Rifle,but are oh soooooooo comfy in Cock Talk.

Congratulations you "lucky" bitch?!? Laughing!

Keep telling yourself those things you most need to hear and kudos for being able to have enough Imagination and Pretend,to grant yourself such Delusions.

You really get after it!


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."