The council argued that the current dipnet, rod and reel, and fish wheel allowances are not sufficient for their subsistence needs.

The council argued that the current dipnet, rod and reel, and fish wheel allowances are not sufficient for their subsistence needs.

I'm not sure how a 25 sockeye per household limit is going to be sufficient for subsistence needs anyway, though I would think it might be possible to get that with legal methods presently allowed.

Money talks and the trawls have it, not to mention the fact that salmon are undoubtedly affected by foreign drift nets that we can't do much, if anything, about. Virtually every entity which is party to salmon harvest needs to look at what is being done, and what can be done, to enhance production. Throwing another subsistence net or three probably isn't going to have much affect as they are, but people need to realize that these affects are cumulative. Everybody wants theirs - and rightly so- as long as all parties are not being held accountable in parity.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.