25 per household head plus 10 per dependent. Each fish provides at least 6 person-meals, probably 8. Lets call it 6, making 60 dependent meals, or 5 per month. Combined with the 25, plus sport catch, this seems sufficient for the
"average" family, combined with shellfish, other fish, game, and store- bought.

The wife and I eat fish at least once per week , usually twice, not always salmon, so I seldom take our limit of 35 personal use salmon and have t used a rod in years

The bottom line is some people are lazy, do not want to compete on a level field, or consider themselves "more than equal"..

Lets keep in mind that neither gill nets nor fish wheels are traditional in these two rivers, and in fact were introduced across Alaska from outside just over a century ago.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.