Whatever problems we started with 100 years or so ago have been made much worse by government meddling.

A prime example that we don't often think of is the minimum wage law. If a prospective employee doesn't have enough skill to return more value to the organization than the minimum wage costs, that prospective employee isn't going to get a first job. Low skill workers are systematically excluded from jobs that would help them build skills and a record of dependability. So they find themselves at 27 with no skills, no high school diploma, no prospects, and no way to support themselves. And that's a problem.

There was indeed a time in the US when most black families were religiously inclined and had two parents in the home. Our welfare system has pretty much destroyed that.

With all the best intentions in the world, we have meddled ourselves into a situation much worse than the problems we sought to solve.

Unemployed, unemployable, no religious or moral values, no personal investment in the community, and a strong sense of entitlement are a toxic combination.

Last edited by denton; 01/28/15.

Be not weary in well doing.