Originally Posted by 260Remguy
Just curious what the experts think.

Education (or the lack of appreciation for)
Single parent homes?

These gangs seem to me to represent the base social unit of a tribe. And, tribes owe allegance to the unit and the unit imposes mores of accepted social behavior on the members thru a heirachy of control.

Why do hunting packs of carnivores stalk and kill? For the sport of it and to eat. The act reinforces the tribal pecking order, the identity and stability of the unit.

Inner city gangs act more like primitive tribes/packs, in conflict with the prevailing social structure in which they perceive they have no control or influence.

This is an example of people reverting to base animal insticnts of identity and survival. The three main animal instincts are survival of self, survival of species and reproduction of like kind. Gangs exploit those base instinicts.