Odd. I've gone to REI for good clothing and maps, and had great conversations about hunting with staff there.

REI was never set up as a hunting store; it's an outdoor cooperative.

A small microbrewery? Yikes, I'm afraid of how much damage they could do.

MUCK Boots doing a $2k fundraiser for HSUS? Not a fan of HSUS at all (in fact, I know more about them than most and none of it good), but damn, $2k rates a "Top 5 anti-hunting list"? If that's the case, we're in REALLY good shape.

Gerber gives tons of money and endorsements; their PR department will okay just about any endorsement related to outdoor, tactical, or related fields. No surprise there.

And, a media firm being indicted for doing business with a client that isn't a died-in-the-wool hunting group? Sheesh.

If those are the 5 worst, we're in great, great shape.

I do wonder how folks who get their panties all in a knot over this feel about shopping at Wal-Mart, or purchasing insurance (take a look at their policies re: 2A and hunting some time), or buying Perdue or Tyson products that put small farmers and small towns out of business?

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.