Just in case somebody hasn't seen it.
Here's the NRA email:


You and I knew this was coming. Obama vowed he would enact his gun control agenda with or without Congress.

He just made his BIG move and I need your immediate help to stop him!
Just days ago, Obama's gun-hating bureaucrats at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) announced an imminent BAN on common rifle ammunition used by millions of gun owners LIKE YOU.

No action by Congress. No vote.

Obama is moving RIGHT NOW to implement a dictatorial BAN on commonly sold rifle ammunition used for target shooting, hunting, and self-defense.

This is an all-out slap in the face to you, me, our gun rights, and our constitutional Rule of Law.
NRA-ILA is fighting to beat back and DEFEAT this attack.
We're driving gun owner comments to the BATFE website. We're firing up our grassroots network to sound off against Obama's ammo ban. We're meeting with congressional leaders every day and exposing this threat as widely as we can online and in the media.

But we need your immediate help if we're going to STOP Obama from BANNING OUR AMMUNITION.

If there's ANY WAY you can afford to make an urgent contribution to NRA-ILA this minute, please MAKE THAT CONTRIBUTION RIGHT NOW.

ANY AMOUNT - $10, $20, $30, or more - NRA-ILA needs your help NOW.
This battle is going to be waged on multiple fronts. It's a legal battle. It's a congressional battle. It's a battle to move public opinion.

It's an expensive battle that means EVERYTHING for your Second Amendment freedom and we can't win it without YOU and YOUR help TODAY.
We knew a fight like this was coming. Now help NRA-ILA win it!!!

Whatever amount you can afford to give right now - TODAY - I assure you that every dollar is urgently needed at this VERY critical time. Thank you.


Chris W. Cox
Executive Director
