Originally Posted by billrquimby
Thanks for the plug, Casey. I didn't mention it above because there's only one chapter on my hunting in Asia.

Rattler: Of the books I did mention, You may want to pick up "McElroy Hunts Asia" and "Wind In My Face" first. Both have a lot of information about hunting markhor and argali in the last half of the 20th century.

"Wind" tells about Weatherby award recipient Hubert Thummler of Mexico's quest to post an entry in nearly every category of the SCI record books, including virtually every subspecies of the world's mountain game.

End of commercial. I apologize to all for getting this thread off track.

Bill Quimby

no worries grin thanks for an idea where to start on the list sir.

Last edited by rattler; 03/14/15.

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books