Why not wool socks if your feet are bound to get wet?

Yes. Wool socks and wool liners. I have no use for poly anything. If I'm in snow and wearing my packs I fold the pant legs over the top and lace them to the boot. No snow makes it in and I can wade streams without a drop of water making it into the tops.

If wool socks do get soaked, take them off, ring or shake them out, suit back up, and one should be good to go.

On an elk hunt Cookie and I once undressed, put our packs on (sans liners and socks) and waded the waist deep Minam river to get out after bagging our elk. Used my t-shirt to dry the interior of our packs on the other side, put everything back together and on, and continued on our merry way.

Another deal if one is on an extended trip (like 14 to 21 days in the back country) is to take spares of everything that's truly critical. Boots/socks certainly fit that category if one does not have absolute faith in his equipment.

A friend tells a story of hiking back from an Alaska sheep hunt with duct tape holding the tops and soles of his boots together. Not a pleasant idea at all. ALWAYS get the best gear one can afford.

Last edited by 1minute; 03/24/15.
