My choice is pure beeswax, but it is more trouble to apply than good stuff like Montana or Obeneuf's. I beeswaxed my Asolo boots this evening, taking my time as I did other chores and spent an hour at it.

Warmed the boots very slowly and cautiously in the oven (risky!) with one minute bursts of bake heat a few times with the oven door closed. Microwaved the bees wax slowly till it melted and applied to comfortably warm leather boots with a toothbrush. It congealed quite a bit so I went over it again with a hair dryer and the toothbrush, taking care not to heat the leather too much in any one spot.

I do that about once a year. Will wear the boots on a wet west coast bear hunt starting Wed. so freshened up the waterproofing though it was still good.

Ditto to a strong dislike of SnoSeal.