Originally Posted by hasbeen1945
I get emails daily from different groups for donations. Normally just trash them. Today I deceided to join the fight. If we're going to keep the likes of Bush and Christy off the ticket, with their big money donations, the little guy has got to help. I believe the same things Cruz seems to stand for. Hasbeen


hasbeen, you are right. Time for the little guy to put his money up. Finally we get a declared candidate with 100% Conservative credentials - TED CRUZ!
If.... those ron paulians can raise millions with a 24hr "money bomb" ... how much more should we be able to raise for Ted Cruz? Think if 1,000,000 hardcore supporters anted up $5 apiece, that would really get the ball rolling... then MORE until he's elected.
My money and support are going to Ted Cruz, the rest of the Republican field can't measure up to Ted, one on one or in a multi-candidate debate.

Sarah Palin's endorsement will mean a lot if she decides not to run and goes for Murkowski's seat instead.