Originally Posted by 700LH
Cruz talks a lot, says a lot of good things that need saying, but he needs to get something accomplished, not just talk.
He also needs to learn not to say "NO TO MORE GUN LAW" then introduce restrictive bills that do just that.
He is also not from a state that has millions of acres of public land, so should keep shut about what he doesn't understand.

I wish the guy luck, in many ways I like him, he just needs to mature more in the political arena, get more accomplished, and have more understanding about a few things, for me to want him as my President.

Ted Cruz as one of the top lawyers in the country has stood in front of the Supreme Court nine times including fighting for the Second Amendment.

But you already knew that...

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."