Cruz is inexperienced as an Executive, less than one term in the senate. No way.

Rand has the same problem and was playing "sensitive man" in Ferguson. No.

Rubio--Very solid, but same issues.

Perry, Jeb have the experience.

Jeb has issues, but is pro-life, pro-gun, a tax cutter (a real record of it in FL) and has some foreign policy and business experience.

Perry has military experience (big plus) but BLEW 2012 badly and may not recover.

Christie is a puke.

In a perfect world, Walker would have done a stint in the military, have tow more years experience, and have better cash pile built up.

I don't live in a perfect world.

May hold my nose to vote.


"The Church can and should help modern society by tirelessly insisting that the work of women in the home be recognized and respected by all in its irreplaceable value." Apostolic Exhortation On The Family, Pope John Paul II