I picked up a pork loin roast for $2.49 a pound yesterday at the little meat shoppe where I buy most of my meats.

I've mostly stopped buying beef cuts since their prices have gone through the roof. I can "live" with pork, chicken and fish until the beef prices come back down (if they ever do).

However, I did "relent" and buy 2 pounds of very lean (10% fat) ground chuck at a ridiculous $4.89 a pound for makin' beef burgers. There's nuthin' like a good hamburger with a thin slice of onion and lotsa mustard & ketchup on a BIG sesame seed bun to cure the "hungries"! smile

I "pattied" the individual 'burgers out between small sheets of waxed paper and stuck 'em in a Zip-Lok baggie and put 'em in the freezer for later use. (YUM!!!) grin

Strength & Honor...

Ron T.

It's smart to hang around old guys 'cause they know lotsa stuff...