Originally Posted by JoeBob
Consider Texas for a moment. What the frick is the federal government doing for it right now? I'm sure some Yankee will get on here and make some crack about becoming part of Mexico. Well, what the frick do you think is happening right now? And instead of trying to help us stem the tide, the Feds take Texas, Arizona, and any other border state to court if they try to do DAMN THING to stem the tide and keep from being overrun from the south.

Frick you and your damned Yankee government. There are thousands of people who are damned afraid to even go outside their homes at night for being killed by an illegal or drug mule. There are people who can't check their cows without being armed to the teeth. There are people who see their fences cut, their lands despoiled, and their livestock scattered by what can only be described as hoards of illegals. And your damned Yankee government not only does nothing to stop it, but encourages it and brings its full weight down on those who try to protect themselves.

You seem to think that just because a person was born in a State that wasn't one of the eleven that formed the CSA, he/she supports the Federal Government across the board. There are many Yankees who would like to see the Federal Government enforce Federal Laws currently on the book to the letter of the law. Illegal immigration has destroyed access to the construction trades where I live and don't even get me started on "states rights" legalization/decriminalization of marijuana in AK, CO, OR, and WA. Heck, Vermont is considering following suit, as a means by which to generate revenue and Vermont already has the highest per capita rate of drug abuse/addiction in the entire U.S.!