Originally Posted by carlm
+1. Shooter know thy gun. Just takes a second to familiarize yourself with the controls, much like driving a new or different car. IMO, anyone who cannot do that should not be handling different guns.

Thats fine when you are at the range, but it doesnt apply to a defensive gun. Thats the reason glocks took over revolvers when police departments changed because the operation was similar.

Me personally... I bought a lever action with high see through type mounts and used it one season... and when a 10 pointer came running out - I put my cheek down hard just like my trap shooting and my other normal scoped mounted guns and lost the sight picture. I got the buck and those rings are gone now.

Whats this matter to a 22... well we practice with them for our other guns and sometimes you get a charging racoon you cant fumble the shot on.

Other than that, How was the show Mrs. Lincoln?