Here is some interesting data from Dr. Tom White, a retired USGS bear researcher. He did a presentation for our company as we provide wildlife intervention (mostly polar and grizzly bear) for the project.

Let me say first off that this is not to infer that one shouldn't go afield with a handgun for bear protection. This data is presented solely for information. What is done with it is an individual's choice.

In 147 reported uses of pepper spray in Alaska, there was only a 3% injury rate of the user. And those were minor injuries in which the injured party was able to walk out. No bears in this reporting were injured.

Interestingly the firearms numbers were less positive. Out of 444 reported uses of firearms in Alaska to fend off a bear attack, 28% of the people sustained significant injury ranging from serious to fatal. These reports also accounted for 172 dead bears. I've nothing against dead bears but once you kill a grizzly in claimed self defense, Fish and Game takes a close look at the circumstances to determine if it was justified or not. Dr. White admitted that these were just the raw statistics and it was impossible based on the reportings, to break it down by firearms user proficiency levels.

He also stated that neither pepper spray nor firearms were any use stowed in a pack.

Once again I post this simply for your information.

Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.