I take such studies with a grain of salt, because it’s very difficult for one to tell the specifics about the use of pepper spray, as well as the use of firearms. For example, I would imagine that the people using pepper spray were not sneaking around quietly hunting game with a can of pepper spray in their hands. More than likely these people were camping or perhaps hiking on well established campgrounds and trails. Also, more than likely they weren’t alone when participating in these activities.

Hunters on the other hand, hunt alone once they have arrived to their hunting spot, and often sneak around quietly trying to avoid spooking game. As such, there is a good chance that a hunter sneaking around in the woods can come upon a bear cache or kill that is being protected by a bear, or a saw with cubs, or a bear coming in to grab the animal the hunter has just killed. Besides that, more than likely the hunter has a firearm in his hand when hunting, not a can of bear repellent.

Last edited by Ray; 05/24/15.